
The Interpersonal Conflict of Minorities Hating Everything About Themselves That Isn't White with Ruby Sales
This conversation addresses the interpersonal conflict of minorities hating everything about themselves that isn’t white and actively running away from their ethnic identities in order to claim whiteness. They dive into ways for other marginalized and oppressed cultures to claim their own identities without minimizing the realities of Black and indigenous peoples in America.

Raising Awareness Around Systemic Racism and Gender Inequality with Jay McAllister
Jill interviews Jay McAllister, an active participant and board member of CollaborAction, a theater company designed to use art as a medium to raise awareness and evoke change in the world around issues such as systemic racism, gender inequality and other difficult to discuss topics.

White Supremacism, Perfectionism, and Self-Compassion
In this episode, Jill discusses perfectionism as a characteristic of white supremacy culture and some of the ways it can manifest in ourselves and in our society, particularly in healthcare.

Allyship, DEI programs, and Unlearning Bad Habits with Dr. Sunny Nakae
In this episode, Jill interviews Dr. Sunny Nakae, the Senior Associate Dean for Equity, Inclusion, Diversity, and Partnership, and Associate Professor of Medical Education at the California University of Science and Medicine.

How To Hold Space For One’s Own Marginalized Identity
Jill discusses the concept of intersectionality and how it relates to power and privilege in our society. She discusses what it means to hold space not only for one’s own lived experience, but also for the lived experience of people with different identities from our own, and that honoring one’s own experience should not take away from the lived experience of other people with marginalized identities.

The Importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion with Trisha Daho
Jill interviews the founder of Empowered Leadership Cultivation, Trisha Daho. They discuss the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training and how bringing everyone to the table in an organization is necessary in order to make real change. Trisha also highlights her story of converting to Islam and addresses several misconceptions and assumptions about Islam.

Internalized Antisemitism, Privilege, and White Supremacy
What is internalized anti-semitism? What is the difference between white supremacy culture and white nationalism? How can white Jewish people hold space for both their own marginalization and their privilege in our society (which is at the cost of the marginalization of others)? What is the impact of sacrificing aspects of our own culture and identity to get closer to whiteness?

How Racism and Intersectionality Lead to the Development of ‘Fat Phobia’ with Dr. Marianne Miller
In this episode, Jill interviews Dr. Marianne Miller, an eating disorder specialist, regarding diet culture, feminism, and the patriarchy.