
Tapping for sustainability in activism spaces
One of the techniques that I use as a trauma-informed tapping practitioner to help clients keep their activism work sustainable is to explicitly honor our feelings while tapping. Watch as I show you how to fit this technique into your tapping practice.

A Common Mistake in Social Justice Work
We can't 'check the box' on learning about and fighting racism and other forms of oppression. It has to be a new way of thinking, a new way of seeing the world. We have to integrate it into everything we do, even if that happens more slowly than we'd like.
Here are some fairly simple things that I have personally found super helpful in keeping this work top of mind and integrating it into my day to day life, and I will offer them to you as an invitation.

This is what I cling to
While I hold space for all of this joy, which is so, so important, I also hold space for all of the tragic, scary things happening in our world.
When it all feels so overwhelmingly bad (and when 'overwhelmingly bad' seems like the understatement of the year), these are the things I cling to:

The value of anti-racism and anti-oppression work with Dr. Maiysha Clairborne
In this episode, Jill interviews Dr. Maiysha Clairborne, her colleague and partner in their Conscious Anti-Racism company. They discussed the value of anti-racism and anti-oppression work not just for white people, but for people of all identities.