For All Reasons
Once we start looking at the world from the Vedic perspective, we start to really trust that the universe has our back. This was actually my favorite, albeit unexpected, benefit of my Vedic meditation practice. We start to see life’s events unfold in such a beautiful, quirky, knowing way, with such synchronicity, that we become able to see past what initially seem to be setbacks, and we just know that it’s gonna be ok. Actually, it’s gonna be great. Meeting got cancelled? Sweet, now I have time to work on my blog post. Bad breakup? Perfect timing; otherwise I wouldn’t be available for this new lovely person I just met.
We just know that it’s gonna be ok. Actually, it’s gonna be great.
Seeing the world this way is convenient. And fun. And it’s a start to being able to see past frustrations, and to seeing the connection that underlies everything. What happens, though, is that even this perspective is limiting. We don’t always know the exact reason why something happened. What happens when we can’t find an immediate explanation, or even a plausible one, for what appears to be a negative event? What then? Does it all fall apart?
A common thing we hear from Vedic meditation teachers is that everything is happening for all reasons. Not just for a reason. But for all reasons. We won’t always know the 5-minutes-from-now, the 5-hours-from-now, or even the 5-days- or months-from-now’s answer to life’s riddles. It’s not always going to make immediate sense. It may not ever make sense. But the real truth lies in that all things are connected. Synchronicity is happening ALL the time; we are just too busy, or too stuck in our world view, to see it.
When we meditate, life starts to feel like 1 continuous serendipitous event.
The more we allow ourselves to have the direct experience of unity, which happens during meditation when we de-excite our minds and transcend our thoughts, the more we bring that unity and connection into our waking state. Life starts to feel like 1 continuous serendipitous event.
We don’t actually need to have faith that the universe has our back. We know it does, because we’ve directly experienced it. We stop feeling the need to have an answer for every time our expectations aren’t met. More importantly, we actually just stop having expectations.
Life is carrying you in the direction of evolution no matter what is happening.
If we keep the small ‘self’, or ego, out of it, we see that life is carrying us in the direction of evolution no matter what is happening. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Even the tragic. It’s all evolving. Exactly what we are supposed to face, in that moment, in that place, so that we are able to evolve to whatever is supposed to come next. It doesn’t come with a translation, or a set of directions. And just when we think we know best what is supposed to come next, or that we have things ‘under control’, something will come along to shake things up again. A gentle (or not so gentle) nudge to surrender. A reminder that we will get there, we already are getting there. Exactly how we should be. For all reasons.